Shipping Forms:
Please Use Form A if you are an Individual or a Taxidermist. According to Washington game Laws ALL persons shipping wildlife into Washington to be tanned or mounted MUST include the following:
(a)The hunter/taker’s name and address;
(b) The owner’s name and address;
(c) A description of the species received;
(d) The county where taken (GMU, Unit , etc);
(e) The license, tag, permit, and seal number; As Applicable.
Please don’t forget to sign the form and Include your Deposit.
The easiest way to print these forms is to Select the form you need in its entirety and “Print Selected”
Ship to address:
Promise Land Tannery
228 Cameron Lake Loop Road
Okanogan, WA 98840
Form A
Business/Taxidermy Lic #___________________________
Due to the variables of the tanning and taxidermy trades I fully accept the fact that quoted return times are guesses and that no guarantees can be made as to the exact completion date of my work. I further understand that if my deposit is not made in full within thirty (30) days, that the below listed item(s) will be forfeited and that if my completed work is not paid for within thirty(30) days from the time of notification, I will be charged Storage fees of $2 per day per piece for any item not picked up within 30 of invoicing. Any Item Left longer than ninety days will be forfeited and my deposit forfeited. I understand that Promise Land Tannery having no control over specimens prior to their being received by us for tanning/taxidermy, and in view of the many factors which have a definite effect on the final result, such as primness, general condition of the specimen, climactic conditions, and most importantly lack of facilities by the sportsman and/or outfitter, I do not hold this establishment responsible for the condition of my tanned hides. My signature below releases the above named studio of the responsibility for loss by fire, theft, or vandalism or acts of god beyond PLTannery’s control. I understand that my signature or my representative’s signature finalizes this contract. No deposit or work will be refunded if I should change my mind. I, the undersigned, do hereby certify that the below listed game was legally taken and that I have received a copy of this contract. I understand that by signing below I give the above named studio and/or employee of that studio permission to transport the above named species to/from the customers’ stated address to the above named studio.
One Item Per Line please. If necessary please use additional pages. Please Check the Box of the Service you want.
Deposit Requirements:
- Deer sized and Smaller- $50
- Elk Sized- $200
- Moose Sized- $320
All Beef hides and Large Lifesize hides(like elk, moose, etc) $350
ALL BOBCATS, Otter, Wolves and other animals that require a CITES tag MUST BE Tagged or be accompanied by appropriate paperwork.
PLEASE Keep a copy of this form for your records.
Wild Game Ledger
For non-domestic(wild) animals please include the following information, If you need more entries, please make copies.
Hunters Name, Address and Phone
Owners Name, Address and Phone
Hunting Lic#___________________________________
Tag #________________________________________
Date Taken____________________________________
Unit/Location Taken______________________________
Pelt/Hide Seal__________________________________
Hunters Name, Address and Phone
Owners Name, Address and Phone
Hunting Lic#__________________________________
Tag #________________________________________
Date Taken____________________________________
Unit/Location Taken______________________________
Pelt/Hide Seal__________________________________