How to Fold a Salted Hide for Shipping: A photo Tutorial
Your Goal is to have all of the hair concealed within the bundle with only the much more durable meat side exposed.
Step 1: When your hide is mostly dry but still foldable lay it on a flat surface hair side up.
Step 2- Fold ears in against the head.
Step 3: Acordian Fold Neck, Legs and Tails insid the margins of the hide.
Step 4- Fold Hide in thirds with hair inside.
Step 5: Fold Last Third up.
Step 6: Fold Left 1/4 over towards center
Step 7: Fold Other 1/4 over and you are ready to ship. If your hide is stiffer and wants to unfold, tie a piece of string around it to hold it until it totally dries.
Boxing Salted Hides: A photo Tutorial
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